Together We Are Stronger!

On this week’s episode, we looked at the 4th part of the Armor of God, The Shield of Faith.  When the soldiers would fight in large groups they could position their shields around their group to form a wall around them. 

I don’t know about you, but I’m continuously fighting off those fiery darts and keeping the evil villains away. Sometimes the invisible enemy sucks the energy out of me and that’s when i know that i cannot fight on my own strength.  When my shield of faith starts to get too heavy i have to ask my prayer warriors to help me fight the battles. This is when my prayer warrior friends surround me with their shields and together we are victorious.  Do you have Prayer Warriors? You can find sisters in Christ at church who are always willing to pray for you and with you. Find friends who you can count on for prayer when your shield of faith gets too heavy. Don’t fight your battles alone. Together we are stronger! 

To learn more about the Shield of Faith, listen to this week’s episode on the Jesus, Joy and Java podcast, where you’ll read about Daniel and his friends, Shadrach,Meshak and Abednego. 


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